Happy Feet...
hmmm... recently have watch this movie.. watch it twice.. both free ticket. haha.. 1stly.. abt the show i can is quite well done if not it wont be 1st in US box office for 3 weeks, beating 007 and the rest. i heard is also 1st in SG too.. really well done for Aussie 's 1st animation movie. done by animal logic in AUS. i personally feel that the story is trying to tell us abt dancing and singing penguins.. tat all... as for the character design i feel tat is wasnt really well done as they wan photo realisic for the movie which resulted the bad character design.. only when penguins were young they were cute but then... hiaz.. but then i think sound and music was really very gd and amazing.. the dance also la.. i manage to get the sound track of happy feet and i uploaded it up. just only the amigo singing part.. and i found some tralier that can d/l too.. is at the link below.. feel free to d/l them..
sound track
sound track